Surgery and Devices – Ginette


Ginette underwent an emergency triple bypass surgery in the US and woke up confused, needing answers.


As of 11 o’clock the night before – that was the last of my memory. I woke up on Wednesday afternoon and I had tubes popping out of everywhere. I was hurting, I was – my chest was out to here. I had a big scar that was all swollen and I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ And they say, ‘Oh you’re fine just relax, just wake up.’ And I was like, ‘No don’t tell me that.’ And then they pulled the tube out and it was urgh gross, you know. And still nobody told me anything.  And it was like, ‘What is going on?’ And my boyfriend was saying, ‘Oh you had a heart attack and they did a triple bypass.’ And I had to pull teeth to find out what they did and why they did and what do I have to do and, it was so – and I was exhausted. I just – I was like are you kidding me, it’s my body, why can’t they tell me what they’re doing? So the cardiologist – that was Wednesday I woke up. The cardiologist came to the hospital Thursday morning and told me that they did a triple bypass. They took a vein from my leg, that’s why I had scars all over my legs, and they put it in my heart, and I’m brand new now.

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